Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ever hungry Pets...

Ever wondered why our pets espescially the well cared for domesticated and extrememly spoilt dogs and cats, forever remain hungry?

Today my short haired domestic adult cat dragged a half-gnawed baby lizard into our house from the backyard and placidly palced it between a circle of her five 3 month old kittens who much to my annoyance started kicking around the limp bodied amphibian. I hastly scolded my cat avoiding the deed to become more blood thirsty all along foiling the dead lizard into a tissue and spiralling it out of our window. But somehow in the deapts of my heart, I knew the horror wouldn't end there. Makes me wonder why I spend oddles of cash on cat food when their diet is readily available in our back yard.

Vets have strictly asked me to feed my cats 'Cat food' only. I try and I mean, I honestly do. What am I to do if they coyly sneak in after the maid into the kitchen and rampage for chicken bones in the dustbin. The maid is given strict instructions to close the kitchen door behind her but the poor thing, always in a bit of hurry and trying to appease me at the same time often forgets and I am left to pull out chicken bones from the groaning mouths of my kittens. That is a task my husband leaves quite slyly and entirely upto me to handle. All he has to do is say the Word and I pounce up ready to fullfill my task. Even a Red Bull fails to have the same heart thumping adreline rush on me.

Hah...If only Pets were not so nasty. I am actually beginning to think that they enjoy the chase.

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